Monitoring for 5090 stock - Selection Empty Error

Hi, I’m trying to setup Distill for
It works for a while but than eventually it leads to an error “SELECTION_EMPTY” Selection did not match any content.
How do I prevent this?
Also when I click on the link through Distill I get “** failed to load ##### ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR”

I tried using the extension on Chrome and the Desktop app.
I’m trying to get notified for an RTX 5090 and the selection I pick are “Add to Cart” and “Coming Soon”

Any help is appreciated.

@coolestmarso can you share one of the URLs that you are trying to monitor for 5090? i can test and help with monitor’s settings.

this usually means that the website dropped the connection. this can be a sign that the server is refusing connection. can you try clearing the site data and see if it helps?

this is a good idea.

Hi, thank you for getting back to me!
here’s one of the links :

When clearing site data, witch browser to I clear it on?
Since I’m using the Desktop app and not the extension.
I have Firefox, Edge and Chrome installed.

Edit: I tried clearing data on all 3 browsers and it still does not work.

thanks. the following selection looks good for monitoring the availability:

i included two elements:

  1. [class*='Product'] [class*='availabilityMessage'] this monitors the availability message.
  2. [data-automation="delivery-tab"] [data-automation="addToCartButton"]:not([disabled]) it monitors the add to cart button when it is enabled.

both of these should be good for monitor the 5090 stock availability on

i have the attached json file. it can be imported directly into the watchlist as a monitor. - zotac 5090 monitor - 03-38_2025-02-08.json (946 Bytes)

the desktop app’s browsing data should be clear. to do that please follow these setps:

  1. click the cog icon in bottom left corner to go to the “settings” page.
  2. go to “advanced”.
  3. use the “clear browsing data” button to clear it.

let me know if it makes the page load.


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Thank you for taking the time to write all this and explain everything!
It seems clearing the browsing data does the trick but eventually it will lead to the same errors again until I clear data again.
Why do you think that is?

I tried to import the json file but it seems I have to be subscribed to a plan?

I ended up manually adding the element for each of my links by copying and pasting in the CSS Selector [data-automation="delivery-tab"] [data-automation="addToCartButton"]:not([disabled])

It seems I already have the element included in my links [class*='Product'] [class*='availabilityMessage']

check out a related thread:

one should be able to import the monitor’s json in any plan including free. make sure to not import it as a macro which is a premium feature.

that should work too. cheers!

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Thank you for your time and help!

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