Why select elements dont works in website selector?

when i make a monitoring and later something changes in the website, i can edit the object later in website selector. see attachment. but sometimes it dont works when i select a new element. then it dont shows the text for monitoring. some elements works, othter not. tried different browsers.

if a friend of mine makes the same, it works. but at his pc the slector opens in a new window. i saw that i can change this in settings. here is the article. but this setting is not shown at our account.

Hello, your friend is most likely using the browser extension or the desktop app. They open the visual selector in a new tab or window.

You can download and install them from Web Monitoring Apps | Distill.

That being said, the visual selector at the webapp can sometimes show incorrect selection (like the one shown in the screenshot). This can trigger occasionally after an existing selection has been deleted. We also working on revamping the webapp’s visual selector, so that minor annoyances like these will get fixed and be as good as the extension’s visual selector. Cheers!

thanks for the answer! i already use the browser extension on mac OS Sonoma 14.1.2. the desktop app is not working on mac OS Sonoma. so i have to wait til you fix the problem in the browser extension.

The screenshot in the first post is from the webapp. If you have figured out how to use the extension and its visual selector, then you should be all set. First half to the following video shows how the extension’s visual selector works: