Why is the notification triggered?

Looking at the attached picture, if the “only continue if” part is all true and the 2 conditions in the “or continue if” are all false, shouldn’t the final condition be false?

I don’t understand why the final condition result is true and triggers the notification.

When conditions are added using "+ Or" button a new “Or continue if” group is added. The final result will be true if any one of the groups is true. In the screenshot, one of the conditions “added text is empty” appears to be true. As a result the notification was triggered.

If you need all conditions to be true for the final result to be true, then add the conditions using the "+ And" button.

“added text is not empty” is an “and” condition.
I want to be notified if the added text contains “25” or “50”.
In this case, I’m getting a notification even though there is no 25 or 50.

To summarize,
As shown in the two screenshots above, if all three conditions of “Only continue if” are true and the
“Or contine if” conditions are both false, the final Monitor(V2) part evaluates to true and the notification is sent.

I want the added text in the Or contine if to evaluate to true if it contains any “50” or “25”, and false if it does not contain any “50” or “25”. :cold_sweat:

If any of the “Only continue if” or “Or continue if” is true, the final result of the condition is true. You may have to reorganize the conditions to do what you need.

Currently, the conditions are organized like this:

Only continue if:

  1. Added text does not contain help
  2. Added text does not contain A 0.
  3. Added text is not empty

Or continue if:

  1. Added text contains 25

Or continue if:

  1. Added text contains 50

You can reorganize it as follows:

Only continue if:

  1. Added text does not contain help
  2. Added text does not contain A 0.
  3. Added text is not empty
  4. Added text contains 25

Or continue if:

  1. Added text does not contain help
  2. Added text does not contain A 0.
  3. Added text is not empty
  4. Added text contains 50

This way, one of the groups will be true only if they contain 25 or 50.

Try it out and let me know how it goes. Cheers!

I have the attached conditions on a check of a full website. The site DOES NOT contain any of the 4 text’s, however it still is sending notifications occasionally. What am I doing wrong? Are the conditions not reliable? Is there a way to see WHY a notification was sent?

Edit: I have changed the condition to added text so we shall see if that works.

@chemman14 it is possible to view why notifications are triggered. Checkout the screenshot in the first post at Why is the notification triggered?

Go the monitor’s change history to view highlighted changes. There, you will notice a bell icon as shown below. Click the bell icon to view content and conditions that triggered the change.


Let me know what you find out. Cheers!

Awesome, that is exactly what I am looking for, thank you for the response.

I monitor changes on pages (or parts of pages) for certain websites for which I have to be notified within seconds. This worked fine so far until recently when Distill started to stop sending sound signals (or only sending them from time to time, very unreliably) although changes are recorded in the watchlist. What could be the reason for this and how can I fix it?
The sound settings on my laptop are correct, and I am receiving sound notifications from other applications. Also when I click on “play” it sounds normal.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Best, Jana

Hello @jaha - what do you see as the notification status in change history? Checkout the screenshot shown in Why is the notification triggered? - #7 by ajitk.

Thank you very much! Yes, the notification was not triggered because I messed up the conditions. This was very helpful.
I have another question: Are global conditions valid for all monitors?
If I want to set up different conditions, do i have to use “local” conditions?
I was not able to find a description.
Thanks, and have a nice evening, Jana

Yes, global conditions apply to all monitors. When you have setup conditions for monitors, both global and monitor specific conditions need to be true to trigger notifications.