Want to add more months in the macro conditions

I have set up US visa alert as per the default instruction, and to my understanding it will notify me whenever a date will turn up bold and highlighted in the visible two months. I have a few queries:

  • How do I edit the macro to include upcoming 2 months (on the next page) as well? (So, total 4 months in surveillance). The final macro :
  • Final Step:
                                            "meta": {},
                                            "type": "css",
                                            "value": "#consulate_date_time[style*=block] [type=text]"
                                        "frame": 0
                                    "meta": {},
                                    "type": "css",
                                    "value": "[type='text']"
                                "x": 0,
                                "y": 0
                                "delay": 0,
                                "frame": 0,
                                "button": "left",
                                "timeout": 30,
                                "clickCount": 1
            "version": 2
  • I understand that this process will run in cloud and notify me (email, sms, or push) whenever a date pops up, I read the instruction of keeping the login calender open, and quickly responding by picking the date. But did not quite understand how to set it up, so when a date is in sight, will a webpage automatically open in my local device ? I do have no problem in keeping a page open in a laptop, and attend it whenever I get a notification. (Instead of using cloud?)

Hi @mahm00d27, the macro recorder can be used to extend the default macro to take more steps. In this case, it is possible to add the step to load next set of months that can be monitored for changes. But the way Distill works right now is it is only able to track selections made in the final state of the page. That means that you will be able monitor only those months that remain visible after the last step. That means that you could either monitor 1st two months or the next 2 in one monitor.