Push Notification Counting Issue on Quotas

I started using push notifications as an action. When I receive notifications, a single notification is being counted as 16 in the quotas. I have an additional action on the same item for email and its only being charged as 1. (see screenshot)

If there are multiple push notifications sent, it indicates that multiple devices have been used to sign in. The log should show the actions taken. How many push notifications do you see being sent in the action log?

There’s 16 being sent at once. I definitely don’t have 16 devices for push notifications. The most I would have is 2. In the devices section, the phones/tablets aren’t even listed.

Can you share a screenshot from the log? Just wanted to double check. 16 is quite a large number and it is more likely to be 8 or 4 that were registered over a period of time.

Another possibility is that there are duplicate actions to send the push notifications. Check the global actions to see if they have the action to send push notifications and if monitors do too.

Good point. It only shows the list of devices that can perform checks. It will be a good idea to show all registered mobile devices too so that one can remove one when they don’t need them.

There’s a screenshot of the log in the beginning of this thread.