Please Help Monitoring Ticketmaster Page

Please advise on how to set up monitoring on this page to detect when tickets are available.

If I choose “Monitor Full Page”, I get notifications of changes on every refresh because there is a tiny change to the source on refresh as seen in the image below. Is there a way to exclude that small bit when it checks for changes?

If I choose to only monitor the text that says “Tickets are sold out now. Check back soon.”, it doesn’t detect when it’s gone. Is that due to the popup confirmation from Ticketmaster that needs to be clicked once there are tickets available and the page changes? And if so, how to work around it?

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Here are a couple more images if it helps. Top is what the page in my OP shows once there are tickets available. Bottom is after clicking on the blue “Got It” button.

Welcome to the forum, @parryhotter

To monitor a webpage for a specific type of change, it’s best to focus on particular sections of the page. If the selected element, such as an availability message, might disappear later, include an additional, more stable element in your selection, like the title. This approach ensures that the monitor will send an alert when the “sold out” message is no longer present.

Does that make sense?

it makes sense, but as stated, when I select to only monitor a part of the page like the “Tickets are sold out now. Check back soon.” portion, Distill is not seeing that it goes away. It checks the page, but it does not detect when that text goes away. I’ve tried over and over and over and over and Distill does not see or notify of any changes when the “sold out” message is no longer present.

Did the monitor encounter a SELECTION_EMPTY error when that text was no longer found on the page? Checkout the following link to see the log of checks: How to view logs of checks? – Distill

No. Nothing. No error, no audio alert, no notification popup, nothing.

I see. I am wondering if any change is being detected at all. Can you share screenshots of the change history[1] in “Text mode” and the check log?

[1] Change history and highlighted changes – Distill

Also in the app, instead of trying to use the checks I had saved from my browser, I tried to just monitor a new URL from the selection screen - it won’t let me change from Distill Cloud servers to a local only check which I need to do every 5 seconds minimum, instead it keeps saying to upgrade my plan. I don’t need to use the cloud server, I just want to keep checking it every 5 seconds on my phone - not sure if this is a bug.

Having a lot of issues here, I only purchased distill so I can get alerts on the android app. I’m trying to monitor concert tickets that are sold out but pop up randomly. I have had the selector on where it says tickets are currently sold out, expecting it to notify me when that element disappears. After checking my logs I’ve noticed it never notified me and just showed selection: empty, causing me to miss out.

Can’t figure out any additional elements to add, the title stays the same.

I also want it to specifically ignore every few times the page shows the you are a bot message since another refresh takes care of that and goes right back to the tickets sold out page.

How do I get this distill just to alert me when the queue or directly buy tickets page shows up. I was able to do this with another free chrome extension but I paid for distill so I dont have to be in front of the desktop all day and can use the android app. Thanks!

Hi Dave, thanks for reaching out. Thanks for participating in Android app’s beta test.

Following are two important points from Web Monitoring Apps | Distill :

  • Paid customers can use Distill’s smartphone apps to view updates and get push notifications on their phone.
  • Smartphone apps don’t run monitors on your phone.

To sum up, the primary purpose of the phone app is to get push notifications and view updates in the Watchlist.

When choosing to run monitors, there three options:

  1. Browser extensions - highly recommended in most cases.
  2. Desktop App - some pages don’t load in background tabs. This is usually an optimization. Desktop app loads pages in an invisible window that can load such pages well.
  3. Cloud - when the need is to run monitors 24x7 without keeping PC on, cloud monitors are the way to go. Note that for some sites, using a premium proxy can be a necessity.

Adding the title element should be fine. If it doesn’t change, that should be great. Does that make sense? Let me know if you need any help on this. Following article has some note about this:

I downloaded the app to try and get tickets through Ticketmaster. I keep getting a notification saying Pardon our interruption but it appears you are a bot…,did I set this up wrong?

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Hi @curetickets, welcome to the community forum!

Like the Android app, the main purpose of the iOS app is to get push notifications from local and cloud monitors, and view updates in the Watchlist.

From what I have seen so far, local monitors are the way to go. Checkout Local Monitor vs. Cloud Monitor – Distill to know the basics about local and cloud monitors. Do try it out and feel free to reach out if you need any help.