Pages load with only 0, and then shortly after with content, causing double ping

Recently I’ve been getting pages that show in the watchlist with just 0 (and no content) and then shortly show with content, causing a double ping. Unsure what the issue is as it only happens with a subset of my watched pages, and not all of the time.

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Can you see if increasing the delay in the config helps load dynamic content?

That’s helped some. I set a couple to 10. Is that in seconds or ms?

I have noticed on a couple I get

502 Bad Gateway


But once it checks again, it displays the content on next cycle.

Not sure if that’s related, and if I should increase the delay even more or do something else.

Is that in seconds or ms?

It is in seconds.

Not sure if that’s related, and if I should increase the delay even more or do something else.

These can happen when the server is down or did not return correct response. These cases are automatically filtered our as errors when monitoring specific parts of page but can be recorded as a change when monitoring full pages.