Only see last 3 entries available via online version whilst chrome extension version shows them all (if you click more)

Hi All,

Why is it that in the Chrome extension version of distill that I can see many more alerts from the past but I can’t see any more than 3 in the online version?

Chrome Extension:

Online Version

I picked up an alert yesterday. prior to that I can confirm that the online version included alerts for 22/7/24, 23/09/24 and 30/09/24. So the 22/7/24 entry has now disappeared from the online version. It looks like it has been limited to only show 3 entries. Is this a bug? I thought that upon signing up, creating an account, all events would be backed up and remain viewable.

Thanks for any advice

the number of saved versions in change history in the webapp is limited to 3 in the free plan (and 10 or more in paid plans). 10 are available in the extensions in the free plan.

ah ok. Didn’t know that. Thanks for confirming that.