Notifications don't Work in Real Time

Hi everyone,

I am a new user and I have a problem, the notifications don’t seem to work form me, I will try to explain.

I am monitoring a real estate website, and when a property that matches my preferences is listed, I should receive a notification per email (as I set the settings to notify me on my email). However, the notification doesn’t come in real-time. It only appears when I visit, and that’s when new listings show up, and only then do I receive notifications on email and the phone app.

How can I resolve this so that I receive notifications in real-time? That is, when a new property that matches my preferences is listed on the site I’m monitoring, I want to receive a notification immediately on the mobile app or via email.

Thanks in advance!

notifications are sent as soon as a change is detected. when notifications appear to be slow, it is most likely because checks are happening at a longer check interval.

what does the check-log show? How to view logs of checks? – Distill

note that you can use the desktop app or the browser extension for faster checks. check out Local Monitor vs. Cloud Monitor – Distill