Notification emails is the whole monitored page in HTML tags

Monitoring a certain page Distill notification emails gives me the whole page with HTML tags, even the selection preview shows only the text I want.

  • I set up the monitor using the Chrome button Part of page selection.
  • I select the parts I want
  • and I have tried using some more or less obvious settings in the Distill monitor, “text” or “textcontent” (one at the time)

but even the selection preview (attached screenshot) shows the preferred text only, the resulting emails is (for this page only) always the whole HTML (code) with tags and everything.

<section class="jobListings ng-scope" aria-labelledby="jobListings_0AD782E8-50FD-4604-BB2C-151B04A2F4CF" ng-controller="jobListingController" ng-init="init({"ItemId":"0AD782E8-50FD-4604-BB2C-151B04A2F4CF","JobListings":[{"Url":"","Title":"Facility Manager til Fyns Politi","Workplace":"FYNS POLITI","DeadlineText":"14. august 2023","EmploymentConditions":"Du bliver ansat på overenskomstvilkår i henhold til enhver tid gældende organisationsaftale efter relevant overenskomst med staten.<br/><br/>Der er tale om en fastansættelse på 37 timer pr. uge primært i tidsrummet mellem kl. 0700 og kl. 1600. Overarbejde og tilkald uden for almindelig arbejdstid kan forekomme til løsning af hastende opgaver. Stillingen ønskes besat snarest mulig og senest 1. november 2023. <br/><br/>Det er en forudsætning for din ansættelse, at du kan blive sikkerhedsgodkendt og at du kan opretholde denne gennem hele ansættelsen. Det er ligeledes en forudsætning for din ansættelse, at du har kørekort. <br/>Dit arbejdssted bliver hovedsageligt Fyns Politi, Mules Gade 1-3, Odense, men tilstedeværelse på vores øvrige matrikler bl.a. med det formål at opnå kendskab til bygningsmassen og politisøjlens kerneforretning vil indgå i stillingen. ","ContactInformation":"Du kan få yderligere oplysninger om stillingen ved henvendelse til økonomichef Lotte Finne Thomsen, tlf. 2963 6336 eller på mail efter uge 29. Du kan finde mere information om Politiet generelt på<br/><br/>

It may likely be something I don’t do right, but selecting the page sections and choosing “text”, to me, is the most obvious, and “text” use to work for all my other monitors.

Hello Henrik, is the main problem that the email displays the page’s source code (as HTML)? Can you please share the monitor’s config? I will check it out and get back it you.

Edit: I am assuming that the monitor is checked for changes using the browser extension.

Thanks, Ajit

Hello Ajit. I assume you want me to send you the JSON code. Sure.

It’s correct that the email shows the page’s source code as HTML. I set it up using the browser extension, however, the monitoring is done by the Cloud - Distill’s servers, since I’ve changed that afterwards. That’s usually how I set it up, since I like the monitoring even the browser is not running or the computer is shut down.

  "selections": [
      "frames": [
          "index": 0,
          "excludes": [],
          "includes": [
              "type": "xpath",
              "expr": "(//div[@id='page-content']/main[contains(@class,'dark-blue')]/section[contains(@class,'jobListings')]/div[contains(@class,'areaContent')]/div[@class='container-fluid']/div[contains(@class,'row')])[1]",
              "fields": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "type": "builtin"
      "dynamic": true,
      "delay": 2
  "ignoreEmptyText": true,
  "includeStyle": false,
  "dataAttr": "text",
  "regexp": {
    "expr": "",
    "flags": "gim"

Thanks, Henrik

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Thanks, I am monitoring the page now and waiting for a change to trigger the email alert. Will let you know what I find out.

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@hrasmus I got an alert email that says that the diff is too big as shown below:

Can you please share a screenshot of one the email alerts you received? Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply. Sure. I’ve attached a screenshot of one of the alerts I get. On the page it’s possible to see all categories or select one or more so to debug I split the monitor of the whole page in to alerts for single categories, in this attached case the IT category. Still it seems quite large.

I was able to reproduce this after changing email format to use inlined mode to show diff. The email content is not shown with using split mode. I have logged an issue for this, and we will look into fixing this soon. Thanks!