No export possible using the Desktop App

Hi there,

Thanks for your tool, it’s very handy.

Two related questions:

  1. Using the Windows desktop Distill client, I can’t export the watchlist in JSON or XML format. When I do Export/JSON, I don’t have a textbox with the JSON file. When I click “Download”, a Windows error message says that I have no application to open “Blob” links:

  2. I’m not currently logged in with the desktop client and I added many entries in the Watchlist. Will I lose those entries if I log in or will they be automatically added to my account? I don’t want to lose hours of work :confused:

Best regards,

Hello @gchampeau,

Thank you for taking the time to report the issue in Distill forums.
To answer your questions:

  1. As of right now the Desktop app does not support downloading files, but we have the feature in our roadmap and will be implemented in a future release.

  2. You can login to the app without any worries. All the monitors created in the Desktop app before logging in will be synced to your account once you login from the app.

Excellent, thank you!

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