Monitored element changed involuntarily

Hi, I’ve set up a monitor called TAS Forms > Estate Planning > General Enduring Power of Attorney. I have selected Form 4 as the monitored element but I would receive an alert every other day advising me that the monitored element is not the Enduring Powers of Attorney Fact Sheet. How can I ensure that the monitored element remains as Form 4 only?


the monitored elements depend on the selectors created to select them. if an item within a list is selected and the selection uses the item’s index as a criterion, a change in the item’s position will cause the selector to match a different element.

in this particular case, can you try to monitor the whole list and see what changed does distill capture? i can then suggest a solution based on your observations. thanks!

Hi Ajit,

Thank you for your reply.

I’ve tried to use the X Path selector //*[contains(text(),‘Form 4’)]/…/a to select the element.

Will see if this works.

if the text is not expected to change and you are monitoring that element’s html/attributes then it should work!