Monitor tricky iFrame

Is there any way to monitor the “Compare Prices” iFrame from this Google SERP?

The iFrame URL is"

Opening in a new tab only yields a blank page.

Thank you

Thanks for the screenshot, Andrew. Do you need to click the button to monitor data in the popup? BTW I was not able to figure out where the tricky iframe is in the page.

Yes. Clicking the button opens a popup iFrame. I would like to monitor the data within the iFrame.

The button click can be automated using a macro. Checkout Macro: Record and Replay Automated Actions – Distill

Click the button opens a modal. But that is not an iframe from what I can see. Checkout the following screenshot:

Yes. You’re right. Apologies.

The iFrame is in the code, just about the div for the popup. Because I quickly scanned the code I thought it was the iFrame.

I’ll take a look at macros. Thanks

No worries, feel free to reach out if you need any help!