Macro records Drag Not Click

I recorded a Macro for the following website

Peru Constitutional Court - OCDE-40c40350-5887-11ee-aee4-9709bca02770.json (906 Bytes)

Somehow, it only recorded “drag”. When I went in the recorder again, I could add click.

However, for the same website with different keywords, it is not working, I don’t know why.

Peruvian Constitutional Court - Keyword Precios de Transferencia-751348f9-5889-11ee-aeeb-f3755adcdb61.json (818 Bytes)

Hi Alex,

The second macro has drag and not click step. We should replace the drag step with a click step.

  1. Open the macro recorderd.
  2. Click on the title of the drag step in the Sidebar.
  3. A searchable dropdown will appear with a list of Step types with which you can replace the current step.
  4. Choose Click option. Your drag step will be replaced with a click step.

The above steps will replace the drag step with a click step.
Now, we have to update the selector in the click step, so that the correct element in the page gets clicked.

  1. In the click step, by default the selector value is set to html. You can see that it is the first item in the second row of click step.
  2. Click on the value html. This will let you interactively select the element from the page.
  3. Click on the button with value “REALIZAR LA BUSQUEDA”.
  4. Click “Enter” key on your keyboard.

The above steps will updated the selector of the click step to select the appropriate element.
You can now save and replay the macro and it should work correctly.

If you find it hard to replicate the above steps, please import and use the corrected macro that is attached below:

Peruvian Constitutional Court - Keyword Precios de Transferencia-ba988d38-591b-11ee-8e36-839e3378b7b4.json (706 Bytes)

Ok, thanks. It worked with your recorded macro.

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