I would like to track any keywords changes on a website: (https://www.stellapay.io/) and I’ve encounter a few inquiries:
This website, StellaPay is able to interchange between English & Chinese with the click on the top right, with the URL remains the same. Hence, to track changes of a keyword, in this case its 加密货币储蓄卡 & visa merchant. Will be able to track any changes? And in which language?
Suppose a track in a specific space, when the website layout was updated and the original space is now without any wording, it means that the tracking will fail?
Under ‘device’: if I choose Google Chrome (this device) or desktop app, does it mean that the tracking will not work if I switch off my device? While if I choose Cloud - Distill server, it will work even if my device is shut down?
Thank you, as English is not my first language, I apologies for any grammar error.
When I load the page in an incognito window, it always loads the English version be default. Clicking the language switcher, changes the language to Chinese.
Do you see the same behavior?
If the full page is being monitored, changes in layout won’t affect the content selector. As a result, full page’s content will always be monitored.
If only one section has been selected for monitoring and the identifiers for that section have changed or not presented, it will be reported as a SELECTION_EMPTY error.
When I load the page in an incognito window, it always loads the English version be default. Clicking the language switcher, changes the language to Chinese.Do you see the same behavior?
Yes, I presume that it will only be able to track the default language, which is English?
If the full page is being monitored, changes in layout won’t affect the content selector. As a result, full page’s content will always be monitored.
Understood what you mean, thank you. A follow up question, i would like to be notify that the same website consists of these keywords/phrase " Make purchases at Visa merchants worldwide"
Per my attachment, when I paste the sentence under conditions > only continue if > text > contains > Make purchases at Visa merchants worldwide
Will it send me an email notifying me that it does contains this phrase?
By default, it will monitor the English content. In order to monitor the Chinese content, a macro can be used to click the language switcher to change the language to Chinese before monitoring it.
It will send an email when the page’s content changes, and it contains that phrase. The email won’t mention which condition matched though. It can be viewed in the Watchlist by clicking the bell icon showing “Notification triggered” status: