How to set macro to press a key other than Enter or Backspace?

Hi there,

I want to set my macro to press some keys other than Enter or Backspace, for example Home. However it seems like I cannot select anything other than Enter or Backspace, and manually editing the script would result in syntax error.

Also, I would like to disable the ‘green check mark.’ That is, to make the macro to do X, wait for N seconds, then do Y, wait for N seconds, then Z, without verifying if each step has been done correctly. So that the check process will not hang and throw error flags.


thanks for the sharing the feedback @tngw.

more keys are now supported based on use cases:

can you share your use case for a home key press? is it used to move cursor to the beginning of a line in an editor or to perform a scroll?

i didn’t understand what you meant. are you referring to the green tick that is displayed next to successful steps after a replay? thanks!

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Basically I have a homepage that updates automatically. However, new posts come out and my location on the page remains the same. I need to scroll up to view the latest posts. Because it’s unknown how many new posts will come out, scrolling might not be able to bring the location to the top of the page but pressing the Home key will certainly do so.

My final goal is to have the macro run in loops in Live (beta) mode, because posts are not always shown in chronological order. If I run the monitor in Interval mode, the order might change from time to time, triggering unnecessary notifications.

Yes. For the above homepage, I also tried to set up an excessive amount of scrolling to make sure it will reach to the top, but the process would just hang even thought it does performed the scrolling.

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the scrollTop property can be set to 0 to scroll to the top.

monitors using interval-based schedules regularly poll (opening as per schedule) the page for changes.

a monitor with a live schedule works differently from regular monitors. the page is opened and left to update on its own. no action is taken by the monitor unless the page itself changes. when a change is observed in the page, the change is captured and saved in the monitor’s change history. the macro is not used after capturing the change.

could using the condition “net added text is not empty” help?