How to get a notification on SELECTION_EMPTY


I’m trying to monitor a appointment website, but when there is no available appointment the website gives this pop-up with the message “no appointment available” :

When the pop-up disappars (when there is an available appointment), instead of getting a change notification i get a selection empty error.

Does anyone know how i could get it to work, or how i could get a notification on a selection empty error?

@d7rafik If a selection ceases to exist for some cases then it will be a good idea to add an extra selection on the page that is always present. This way, the selection will never be empty. One such selector is page’s title as shown below:

In addition to the above, you can also enable error notifications for monitors. This option is available at Settings → Error action. Here is the direct link for this: Distill Web Monitor.

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Thank you very much Raksha,
I will try adding the title but juste enabling the notification on the first error is already enough.

Thanks again,
have a nice day,

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