I’m using distill trackers to track job posting notifications (In my agency it is first to click the job is hired) I’m also using Microsoft edge as the browser because that seems to have least errors for me.
For some reason however ever since they changed my agency website, after about 1 hour I get an error message and the “Selection_empty” in the log. Then to fix it I just need to manually click the link (Like the left part you click that takes you directly to the url). After I do that it is fixed for another hour or so.
It’s a very weird glitch because I am not signed out of the website at any point. It’s like I need to reset it manually or something??? When I look at the error page it shows a black page and like 45 second timer (means it waited that long and still nothing appeared).
Does anyone know how to fix this? It makes it impossible for me to get notifications unless I’m home to fic this every hour.
Also I have my setting on every 7 seconds check and a delay of 12 seconds. I’ve tried different times and delay and same problem persists.