I’m on the starter plan. It would be nice to at least be able to set a monitor to a certain area/zip code. Several sites I monitor are getting messy/displaying incorrectly because it’s detecting a zip code outside of the service region. Any tips?
the easiest option is to use a local monitor. it will use your network to perform the checks thereby ensuring that it is a fixed geolocation. check out Local Monitor vs. Cloud Monitor – Distill to learn more about cloud vs local monitoring in case you need more information.
distill offers a few premium proxies for cloud monitors. but they correspond to much bigger regions like us or eu. custom proxies for cloud monitors in flexi plan that can let users use their own proxies targeting a very specific location.
btw does the site you are monitoring have a way to enter the zipcode? a macro to enter the zipcode can help achieve this too. if this works, there won’t be any need of using a custom proxy in cloud.