Feature Request: Time slots for individual monitors

Hello! I have used distill extensively for years now, it’s been great. There is one thing that would make it even better, though. I would like to be able to do time slots for individual monitors as opposed to only having the global setting. More scheduling options (specific dates or weekdays, etc) would be great, but even just the time slot options available as a global setting on a per monitor basis would be a big help. Sometimes I have a need to monitor a page at a future date/time and I have a rough idea when it will change and would prefer not to waste resources on such a monitor in the meantime.

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Thanks for the feedback @mrage. We currently support cron for cloud monitors in some plans. We will definitely consider bringing that to extensions too.

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Hello !

I second this feature request, this would be super helpful to have a time slot for each individual monitor in the desktop app.

For exemple I need to check some monitor just in the morning and the others the afternoon, some just over the night etc…

Thanks in advance for reading me.