False Alerts & Sitemap export function

Hi all,

  1. Would like to figure out how to not received a false alert when tracking a website that has dynamic changes. Eg: https://www.btse.com/en/home - there’s a part where it display percentage & price changes for crypto, while I only wanted to track if there’s any keywords that appear on the site such as: Earn interest, Certified by VISA. Attached a screenshot as reference.

  2. Is there any way to export all the links crawled by Sitemap? Current workflow is to download one by one > paste on Google sheet > batch upload to track. Would like to explore a more efficient method.

Thank you.

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@compliancereap thanks for reaching out and sharing feedback.

Would like to figure out how to not received a false alert when tracking a website that has dynamic changes

There are three main ways to get better alerts:

  1. Monitor a specific part of the page ignoring everything else. This is useful when one is looking for a very specific change.

  2. This is variation of the first approach but useful when monitoring full pages. Deselecting specific parts of the page that doesn’t need to be monitored removed that area from monitored content. Check out How to exclude elements from the selection that you do not want to monitor?

  3. Using conditions. Conditions can be used to trigger alerts only when a specific criteria is met. This is useful when it is not possible to optimize the selections. This can be a good option when monitoring full pages and you have a list of specific keywords.

When using multiple conditions, Distill can tell which one triggered the alert. Check out How to find out which condition triggered the alert?

Is there any way to export all the links crawled by Sitemap?

We plan to add an export button in Sitemap monitors and crawlers that should help get the data out easily soon.

Let me know if it works or if you have any other questions/feedback. Cheers!

@compliancereap exporting urls was added as a feature last week. check it out!