Exceeding SMS quantity

  1. What happens when I exceed the # of SMS messages I’ve purchased? (100 in my case). Do they just stop getting sent out to me or ???

  2. Can you tell if my SMS phone # has been verified? I don’t see where I need to verify it (or maybe I verified it in the past but don’t remember).

Thanks, Malcolm

When the limit is reached, a notification email is sent to notify users about it. The alerts are paused until the usage resets on the 1st of the next month.

Note that using Distill’s mobile app is a great way to get notifications on your phone. Unlimited push notifications are available in all paid plans and upto 100 notifications are available for free too. It is a great way to say mobile and get alerted for casual usage.

The phone numbers need to added to the account in the Settings page at https://monitor.distill.io/#/settings/emails_phones/. It shows the number’s verification status as well. Following doc has more information about adding and removing SMS alerts: