Dynamic content issue despite delay

Hi all, I am monitoring a few URLs on a classifieds website.
The website shows dynamic content.

I have set up distill to notify my when the number of ads placed today in a specific category increases. For instance, notify me when 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, etcetera.

The sticky window will open the url, check for changes, and notify me (most of the time this works fine). However, sometimes, the sticky window will open the url and the number of ads placed today is for instance 5, I will get a notification because the TOTAL number of ads in this category is 45884, thus giving me a notification.

It takes a moment to load the content for todays ads, which I have built in using delay 5 - 10 - 15 seconds, but so far without any luck. I randomly get notified incorrectly. It seems as if the delay is not functioning correctly and the check is already being executed before the delay.

If you have any tips, please help. Thanks!

hi @emery.herman, the logic to use delay is very simple and predictable. so it is guaranteed to be used correctly every time.

one of the issues in a web browser is that background tabs are throttled. that means that they download and execute js slowly compared to an active tab.

does the page have an indicator that can confirm that the page has finished loading completely? if yes, a macro can be used to make sure that we have waited for an element to be present before monitoring its content.

Hi Ajit,

I have been using Distill on these URL’s trouble free for 3 years now. The delay always seemed to be a good working solution until recently.

Upon closer inspection, I think the problem lies with the source webpage(s). It seems to be laggy and loading slower than usual and sometimes not loading correctly at all. I’m hoping it will improve, as it is difficult to build a set of rules/actions on the random lagging of this website. I could send you the URL if you are interested.

Thanks for your help!

feel free to share the url.

Hi Ajit, I will start another topic regarding this issue I am facing. I figured out the problem is not with Distill, but the website frequently sending false signals.