Distill Version 3.3.12 stopped working in Opera

Opera updated this morning and my Distill monitor has stopped working. When I click on the icon in the taskbar to open it, a tiny box appears, but there is nothing apparently in it, and the page monitor doesn’t open… It’s working fine in Firefox, but I need it to work in Opera again, please. All ideas welcome - I’ve already updated Opera, and uninstalled and reinstalled Distill.

an updated version is under review. once approved, it should work for new versions of opera. it should be available in a week’s time if it passes the review process.

Thank you.
Not being able to use it in Opera is very inconvenient, so I shall be glad to have it back!

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How’s the review going please? Are we expecting the update soon?

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Is there any news, please? I would like to be able to use this service where I wish as a paying subscriber.
Thank you.

unfortunately there hasn’t been any updates from the moderators. the extension is still under review. as a workaround, you can install the extension directly from the chrome web store in opera. go to https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/distill-web-monitor/inlikjemeeknofckkjolnjbpehgadgge?hl=en and click “add to opera” button to get started.

Thank you very much - that works perfectly. It’s good to be back to working normally!