Distill keyboard shortcuts?

Is there any way to setup a keyboard shortcut to mark all as read? I use the web app and need the unread list empty after I’ve seen the notification. but i have many pages and accounts open and its difficult to go through them all and mark easch list read, then refresh the page to get an empty list. So it would be much easier if i can just click on that browser, hit the keyboard shortcut for read all, then hit f5 to refresh the page.

Is it possible?

@cantfigureitout currently there are no keyboard shortcuts in the watchlist.

regarding your use case to mark all monitors as read, you can select all unread items with a click and mark them as read at once. there is no need to refresh the page. does this not work for you?

I want to simply be able to click the page to make it active. and press a keyboard shortcut that would mark all as read and refresh the page.

Your solution requires more steps and moving the mouse around which is cumbersome when im needed to do it every 3-5 seconds sometimes.

Also, while it does mark the notifications as read, it doesn’t remove them from the unread list until the page is refreshed or you click on another one like the main inbox and go back to unread. The point is, I want a simple solution to mark as read AND remove from the unread list. When read or marked as read it would be nice if the unread list just auto updates and removes the items that are no longer unread. That would get red of half the problem there.

i understand what you are trying to say. the suggestion is an alternative requiring 2 clicks.

do you always need to keep watching the watchlist. can you share more details about what you are using it for?

it does that. you have to wait for a few seconds and you don’t have to refresh.