Debugging Config JSON: Unexpected Formatting Issues with Newlines in Diffs

I’m running into an issue where two seemingly identical JSON structures are producing a terrible diff. Specifically, this:

  "ignoreEmptyText": true,
  "includeStyle": false,
  "dataAttr": "text",
  "selections": [
      "frames": [
          "index": 0,
          "excludes": [],
          "includes": [
              "type": "css",
              "expr": ".product-items",
              "fields": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "type": "builtin"
      "dynamic": false,
      "delay": 2

produces a terrible diff

Which also - btw - totally disregards the “original” website layout - which is totally wanted also.

And this:

  "ignoreEmptyText": true,
  "includeStyle": false,
  "dataAttr": "text",
  "selections": [
      "frames": [
          "index": 0,
          "excludes": [],
          "includes": [
              "type": "css",
              "expr": ".product-items",
              "fields": [
                  "name": "text",
                  "type": "builtin"
      "dynamic": false,
      "delay": 2
  "regexp": {
    "expr": ".+\\n.*[\\d,]+.?€\\n",
    "flags": "gim"

does not respect keeping the newlines in

! image|690x153

site layout content using stylesheets. the monitors remove the page’s styles when includeStyle is set to false. can you set it to true in a new test monitor and see how the content is layed out after that? distill will try to load the page’s stylesheets whenever it can in the visual diff mode.

Styled Page:

! image|690x349

Unstyled Page:

! image|690x349