Compare actual change to last xxx changes in history

Hi guys,

first let me thank you for the great app you programmed! I really use it since years and it made me a lot of advantage already.

But one thing I miss, I read you guys just made a new update on comparsion the actual text to older texts in the change history. I search definitely an option like that as I constantly screen classifieds website where users there after weeks/month refresh there old ads and then I get the change notification again for always the same ads with the same texts but I ve seen the ads already of course.

Would it be somehow possible that distill compare the actual change to the last hundreds of changes in the corresponding change history?

Thanks! The condition text does not match any previous text can be used to compare the current text with any text in the monitor’s change history. However, it cannot be compared to older text that is not in the change history.

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