Hi, so i want to monitor a page that has no main url. So i made a macro that clicks trough the pages until i get to the page i want. (site is Herenkapper Stone)(macro export:Untitled (h0e4i75w) - PasteCode.io)
Macro does following:
- Goes to url
- Waits 5sec
- Click on first option (haircut)
- Waits 5 sec
- Click on first option (haircut)
- Wait 5 sec
- Scroll on the calendar so whole calendar is visible
- Wait 2sec
Now i want to add a visual selector so i can see when a day becomes available if days are unavailable they are red, otherwise they are green(you can see this in the next month as an example).
So i made a new monitor selected SCC selector and used “.r-peppx5” for green (.r-1fa8pj9 is red), but i get an error everytime the macro runs.
Error code
Macro playback failed
timed out waiting for element a~ * div:first-child a img
Error evaluating expression: ["click",["selector",{"meta":{},"type":"css","value":"a~ * div:first-child a img"}],{"x":78.5,"y":53.5},{"frame":0}]
Error evaluating statement: "click", at Position: [2]
Where did i do something wrong please, i just want to know when a day becomes available?
Thanks in advance