The forum for popups is focused on clicking through them, but I would like to capture them. Specifically, 1 popup appears with different text each time a web page is refreshed. I would like to capture the text in the popup, ideally with a timestamp and automating the refresh.
Is this possible with available macros? I’d rather not run in python if I can avoid it!
Thanks for any suggestions or references…and the free resource!
@testingitout does the popup show up automatically or does it require you to take an action like clicking a button? if it doesn’t require any action then a macro is not needed. does that make sense? feel free to share the url if you need any help.
The behavior is that, when I stay on the page and refresh it manually, the popups go through the same cycle of a list of text statements. … (same IP address).
what do you observe when opening the page in a new incognito window in your browser?
I was able to reverse engineer the code on the web page, which ended up being better for my needs. The exposed code showed how the popups were actually being created.