Can Distill detect updates/changes in multi page websites?

Hi @scsb

In your screenshot, the form code will be ODA 076 I
Hope that helps.


Hi Surya,

Thanks for your prompt response.

I’ve tried to update the text ‘page-content’ to ‘ODA 076 I’ but it is indicated that it is not a valid selector. Can you kindly advise what is it that I am missing out here?

Hi @scsb

The selector should be of the form:

//*[contains(text(),'ODA 076 I')]//../td

The above selector tries to target the element based on a certain text being present within the element & hence I suggested the same in your scenario.

Hope that helps clarify the suggestion.


Thanks Surya. I think I’ve managed to work it out for the above scenario.

However when I went to create another monitor for Forms and applied the same method, it doesn’t seem to work (refer screenshot). In this instance, how can I make sure that only the forms that I’ve selected are tracked even if their order/arragement is changed in the source website?

Hi @scsb

There are 2 issues with your selector:

  1. contains(text(),...) selectors are case-sensitive.
  2. There is no number in the text in the page.

Try something as follows:


Please note that the above selector uses the wild card search on text contains and checks for the immediate parent being an anchor tag. It will fail to detect, if this is not found in the page (or the structure changes).

I’d recommend you to look at an online tutorial on XPath to ensure you are able to understand better how it works.


Thank you for your assistance, Surya.