Behavior of the Explore Diff

Maybe Explore Diff for "Visual"is not working properly.

From the image above, we can see that there is “REMOVAL” and “ADDCIONAL” for the same set of text, which doesn’t make much sense.

To test, I took the same set of text and used the “Diff Checker” to validate what was changed, and I expected the following response:

I can not put more than 1 image - see the reply

This is proven by looking at only the “Text” tab:

I can not put more than 1 image - see the reply

Diff Checker

Text Only

@kados The visual comparison includes the comparison between the outerHTML of the monitored elements. As a result, diff in “visual mode” can show structural changes as well as changes to attributes like href and src.

In general, if you feel the changes to be noisy, you can change the view to “text” mode.