Audio alert when site ask captcha

Hello, I often refresh a website, but after a while, the site considers me a bot and displays a captcha to solve. As a result, my monitors stop working, and it goes into empty selection mode. I’ve set up an error notifier to be alerted when this happens, but it’s not ideal for my usage.

I would like to be alerted when the captcha appears. Previously, I used a method based on word removal. For example, I would take a keyword from a page, and as soon as that word was removed, it would alert me. This technique works, but the problem is that the site often has a 404, 505, or other errors, so the alert triggers for no reason.

I wanted to set up an alert for the page so that as soon as the word “captcha” or “robot” appears, it would notify me. However, when I put Distill on the captcha page, it shows up empty, so it doesn’t recognize the keywords I set for the alert. I tried disabling/enabling JavaScript, removing the page’s style, but nothing works—in the Distill viewer, it remains empty.

Does anyone have a solution for this kind of problem?


the key solution here is to select an element from the captcha page to the list of selected elements. that way it won’t error out with SELECTION_EMPTY error and instead find the monitored content. once the content from the page is monitored, you can get regular change alerts. this is a good alternative to the built-in error alerts.