App Push notification is not coming from today

Mobile push notification is not working as of today. I got this error on the error log.
Using android.

Error Details

Message: cannot send the android notification

Attempts: 1


code: messaging/registration-token-not-registered

message: Requested entity was not found.

Hello sir,

Are you still having the issue? If so, would you kindly reinstall the application and see if you can replicate the issue?

I am using browser extension. I tried using different account and I got no issues and all is working. So I dont know if its server side related or the Android app issue.

All your android push tokens got expired. Can you please check the app once more after reinstalling it, and let us know if the problem still exists.

I reinstall while I was troubleshooting, but the error was still there.
Right now it seems to be working. What is the cause of the expired tokens?

We are marking this device token as expired if we receive the “messaging/registration-token-not-registered” error when delivering push notifications to your device token via Firebase.

I am still debugging it, but I assume it’s related to some recent modifications made to the Firebase messaging service.

Other possible issue I can think of is

  1. Enabling Global App Notification and Individual App Notification (I got 2 notifications on One Android phone)
  2. Login in 2 different Android phones. So the notifications came on both device as expected, but was not working today