My Firefox browser updated to 130.0 today and no longer has a distinct sound when it detects a new notification. The sound just defaults to a basic sound and does not play any of the options within (Bell Strike, Asian Koel, Ding Dong or Buzzer).
With this update, I can also no longer hit the “Play” button next to the audio option to hear the selection option - it doesn’t do anything.
Mine (Firefox on Windows 10PC) has now stopped giving me audio entirely which makes the entire program useless to me - nothing changed my end, it’s just stopped working; even if I click the “play” link next to the sound choice to hear what it sounds like, silence. Help!
thanks for reporting the issue @jsweeps. the audio files present in distill are in ogg format. firefox is refusing to play those files in the extension’s context. mp3 files work well. the workaround right now is to add your own audio files under the extension’s settings.
some good mp3 audio files can be downloaded from the following links: