5 seconds or 30 seconds?

I have multiple monitors set to check every 5 seconds. But I notice they get cycled through and don’t repeat for quite some time. Is there a reason for this? When looking at the list, if I click the log, it will show a check being done on these either once or twice per minute. I am on a paid plan and have no internet connections.

Different issue, when I switch dynamic to false, it will give me an error after a couple of checks. then I have to manually click the links, refresh disable and enable etc before it gets going again, only to give me the errors again. Any ideas?

@cantfigureitout Local monitors support a check interval of 5 seconds. If many monitors are set to check every 5 seconds, the first three will be checked, and the rest will be queued until it’s their turn. To increase the number of monitors checked simultaneously, consider increasing the number of concurrent workers. Please see Distill Chrome Extension - Monitor Website Changes – Distill for the step to increase the number of concurrent workers.

Local monitors are checked through your browser or device. If there’s no internet connection, these monitors won’t be checked. They will resume once the connection is restored.

If you’ve made selections on the page, they may involve dynamic content. Setting dynamic to false could cause an error. You can view the error details by clicking the check log as explained at Troubleshooting errors in checks – Distill. The captured snapshot will indicate whether the data was displayed during the check.

So about the dynamic thing. Thats likely whats happening. I have a page that has a bunch of stuff on it, but it will more often than not say “nothing available” somewhere in the page.

Looking at the page, this seems to be in the same spot every time, so I set up a selection of this text and get notified when it changes to “x items available”

Is there a better way to do this so that i don’t need to do a content selection" Is there just a way to have the refresher look to see if this body of text is found or not and notifiy me only if theres a change to this body of text anywhere on the page?

I use it this way because sometimes the text may say “4 items available” or something like that, and I have distill notify me when ‘selected item has number that has increased more than 0.’

In regard to the interval checks. I have it set to 7 simultaneously. That said, Even if I’m only running 3 or 4 active checks, it still will only log and show me that it’s checking each one only once or twice per minute.

It just checks, and doesn’t do anything for some time until it checks again.

To make it simple, I’m monitoring a website. Many things change on this site from items, descriptions, even the descriptions will have a number now and in 10 seconds a different number so I cant just monitor for a change to any number on the entire page. BUT, theres one line on the page at all times.

The page will either say
16 item(s) matching “ITEM”

or it will say
No results found for “ITEM”

Now, ITEM will be different depending on which alert it is. If it is the No refults found version, I want a notification anytime this changes to a numbered version (any number like shown above)

If it is the numbered version, Id want an alert any time the number increases more than 0. The number could lower to 15 and if it goes back to 16 then id want an alert, and of course an alert for 17 and above

Please check my other comment if possible Im looking for a better way to set this up

I do notice here in the watchlist why it takes so long. Im looking at the list as its checking, and it says checking for about 15-20 seconds each time it checks.
I’m guessing this is because the page loads different items every time it checks. So the words Im checking for load instantly but these items seem to need time to load with each refresh. Is there any way to have distill only check for 2 seconds or so and give up if whatever has already loaded hasn’t changed? I dont care about the new items that take so long to load up in the list. Just this small piece of text

You can keep monitoring the selection that reads ‘X item(s) matching “ITEM”.’

This content is dynamic, so if other items not in your selection load slowly, Distill won’t wait for them to load as long as it finds the selected content.

Certain pages may load faster when checked in an active tab. With Distill’s browser extension, checks occur in a background tab. The Desktop app runs checks as if it were loaded in an active tab. You might want to try using the Desktop app to see if it’s faster and better suited for your pages.