Monitoring notifications

How can I set up monitoring so that in the “90 ratings” element, an alert is triggered when the number either changes less than 90, or the element itself disappears altogether? If you need to be more specific, then this applies to this page
Tried many options but none worked for the alert

@anjey1 Sorry, I could not locate “90 ratings” on

If you want to monitor ratings on the page, you can select the rating section with the text “N Ratings”. Any change in the selected text will trigger an alert. However, if the selected element ceases to exist, Distill will log it as an error. So, in order to avoid it, you can also monitor the tiltle of the page which will always exist for a web page.

Here is the way you can monitor the title tag.

  • Open the URL and select any parts of the page.
  • Change selector type to css.
  • Add the selector - title as shown below

  • Select other parts of page (count of reviews, etc) and save!
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