Eproxy/ Selection empty error


I realised that every few days, I would receive notifications concerning errors in my monitors. An example would be as follows:

The monitor seems to be working well until 30 Nov. Are you able to please advise what does those error msges mean and how can I prevent these errors from occuring as I note similar errors in other monitors too.

Thank you.

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@smokeballaulp - SELECTION_EMPTY errors can be encountered because of different reasons. One of the most common reason is that Distill is not able to find the selected elements anymore.

Following are some of the threads discussing solutions that discusses solutions in different scenarios:

Can you check the page’s snapshot when the error was logged? Snapshots can be viewed in an error’s detail page.

Let me know what you find out and if you need helping fixing it. Cheers!

Hi @ajitk

Thank you for your reply.

I’ve received another two errors today. The website and document appears to be the same as what I have tracked in the past and the element is still selected in the monitor so I’m not sure what caused the error. Here’s a screenshot of the snapshot for your reference:

Occasional EPROXY proxy can be encountered in case some of the proxy IPs are either inaccessible or are unable to connect to the webserver. Is there any concern regarding this?

Hi @ajitk

It’s not a problem per se, its just that every time I see an error I will have to check whether the seleted elements are affected, some times the selected element is no longer available but some times nothing has changed at all. Therefore it can be a bit confusing for me.

In instances where an EPROXY / SELECTION EMPTY occurs, will the system continue to check the webpage and automatically remove the error if the next check is successful?

Thanks for the context. You will notice that Distill retries automatically. If it is a temporary error, it should be resolved automatically on the next check.